LEISUREBUDDY.COM - make more of your leisure time!
LeisureBuddy.com gathering

What is LeisureBuddy.com?

LeisureBuddy.com is a social networking site that enables its members to make the most of their leisure time.

Who are LeisureBuddy.com?

Leisure Buddy is the creation of Rory Jenkins and Giles Andrews. (OK, not just the 2 of us, we've had immeasurable help from our friends, family and suppliers.) Giles and I went to the same school, but only met years later when we were both working in London..

One day I was "complaining" to Giles that my squash partner Nick, had disgustingly left London. What about me? How was I going to stay fit now? It got me thinking and talking about it with Giles. We've both moved about a bit. Made new friends in new areas, hunted down new co-conspirators for our leisure pursuits (jazz, squash, opera, kite surfing, gliding, travel, theatre ....). It seemed crazy that there weren't Web sites to help with this. So, we hunted them down and only found a few genetically flawed attempts at the idea. All of them seemed inadequate, doomed to failure as soon as a half-decent combatant entered the arena.

OK, we thought, one must be on the way. We waited, and waited. Suddenly realising that this wasn't a problem, it was an opportunity.
So 3 years since my initial complaint about Nick leaving London, we are about to launch LeisureBuddy.com.

Why do we like it so much ?

It's not just a great idea, it's a good idea, a morally good idea.
The key concept is to help people get together with other people who share the same leisure interests.
We're social beings that get much more out of life by sharing it with others. LeisureBuddy.com should enable hundreds, then thousands and who knows, maybe millions, (better warn the server guys!) of people to explore and improve their leisure time by sharing it with others.

A bit about Rory

  • Rory kitesurfingBest bit of the day: Dawn walk on the beach with the dogs.
  • Current quote: It's not how much we have, but how much we enjoy what we have, that makes happiness.
  • Aspiration: To have more time for friends, family and the beach.
  • Leisure Interests: Kite surfing, squash, climbing, mountain biking, dog walking, films, theatre, jazz (listening to), reading.
  • Email Rory.

A bit about Giles

  • Giles lending a handBest bit of the day: Heading home.
  • Current quote: A good plan for life is to have no fixed plans.
  • Aspiration: To spend less time on the road and more in the water.
  • Leisure Interests: Sailing, horse riding, gliding, skiing, classical music (listening to), Opera (listening to).
  • Email Giles.
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